Applying for Trade Credit

In order for FlavorSum to extend credit to your business for the purchase of our goods and services, you must submit a credit application through this website. As you complete the application, you will be asked to provide certain information about your business. Your application cannot be processed unless all of the requested information has been entered. Because your web browser will timeout if no information has been entered within a five minute period, you should gather all of the necessary information before beginning the application process. That information will include:

1) Your name and title, legal name of your business and any other names your business uses, date your business was established, address, telephone number, email address, and federal tax identification number of your business;

2) Name of your bank, contact at that bank, the telephone number for that contact, and your account number at that bank;

3) Trade Refernces 

Your submission of a credit application through this website shall be considered your agreement, on behalf of your business, that FlavorSum Standard Terms and Conditions, which are set forth below, shall apply to the sale of any goods and/or services by FlavorSum to your business. You will be asked to specifically acknowledge that agreement when you submit your application.